Alchemized Glory Collective

#6 — Disrupting the Status Quo: PVD Edition with State-Rep Marcia Ranglin-Vassell

No Visuals Podcast

On this week's episode of #NoVisuals, I have the honor of talking with State Representative, Marcia Ranglin-Vassell. State Rep, Marcia represents House District 5, in Providence, Rhode Island. In the midst of this upcoming election season, it's important to learn who the elected officials that represent our communities are. State Rep, Marica has tirelessly worked for the communities as an advocate, educator, mentor, and in so many other capacities and over the last four years, has been the voice of working families all over Rhode Island, introducing equitable legislation to propel our communities forward. I hope you are as inspired by State Rep, Marcia Ranglin-Vassell as I am.